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Distilled water from you local grocery store or Walmart.

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Q: What the best water to use in goldfish tanks?
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What kind of water can you use with a goldfish?

Unchlorinated water, such as bottled distilled water is best.

What about using sink water for a goldfish?

You can use clean tap water for your goldfish, but not dirty or used water.

Can I use tropical water conditioner for freshwater goldfish?

Accidentally bought tropical fish water conditioner that contains aloe vera and I have a fresh water common goldfish, is it still safe to use on my goldfish ?

Do i use fresh water or tap water for your goldfish?


What are 2 reasons for water tanks?

use when there is a water shortage and use when there is a water surplus

Why are water tanks good for the environment?

water tanks are good for the environment because they only use rain water rather then water from dams

What are the best forms of transportation for UCLA?

they use tanks

Why are the water tanks elevated?

So you can use gravity rather then a pump to get water out of them.

What supplies can you use from home to make safe water for goldfish?

There isn't really anything that you would have in your home as standard to make the water safe for your goldfish. Provided that your water is safe to drink, it's best to purchase water conditioner from the pet store that should be used during every water change per the directions on the bottle.

What are two reasons for water tanks?

Water tanks are a way for people to have fish in their home so they can they enjoy them. There are also water tanks inside each home that hold water for people to use so they can shower, drink, and wash dishes and clothes.

Will complete water conditioner for batta's kill goldfish?

No way i use betta condition for my goldfish they seem to love it don't worry

Can you use salt water for goldfish?

It is best to not use salt in a goldfish aquarium unless as a treatment for parasites in the tank of a sick fish. The salt damages nitrobacter bacteria that help keep water quality good and causes the fish to produce a thicker slime coat which stresses out the fish thus making them more susceptible to disease.