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Q: What the best way to shio flu vaccine?
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What is the best way to ship the following products Explain your answer Flu vaccine?

The best way to ship flu vaccines is by a company such as FedEx. FedEx would be the best way to ensure the flu vaccines get to where they are going.

Is the HIN1 vaccine a foolproof way of preventing the disease?

The H1N1 vaccine is an effective way of preventing Swine flu thought it may not be always foolproof. It could definitely reduce the impact of the flu.

Can you get the flu from the vacine?

No, you cannot get the flu from the swine flu vaccine. What the H1N1 vaccine does is inject dead or weakened flu germs. That way if you do get the flu, your body will know what to do. But you can't get the flu from the vaccine.

Is it easy to get rid of Swine Flu if you get it?

There isn't a way yet to ''get rid of'' swine flu so to make sure u don't get it just get the vaccine for it

How many times can a person get Swine Flu?

You can only get the same exact strain one time, but sometimes they mutate enough that your body no longer recognizes them as the same virus you had and then your prior immune response won't protect you from the new version until you are vaccinated or exposed again to the new mutated virus. Other times the mutations are not big enough changes to make them unrecognizable though, and so our immune systems do know how to attack and inactivate them. For now, the strain of swine flu that caused the pandemic has not mutated to significantly different strains, and so the vaccine this year for it is the same as the strain in the vaccine last year. It is included in the trivalent seasonal flu vaccine for 2010-2011 flu season in the US. If you got the vaccination last year, you should still get the seasonal flu shot, because it also contains the other two likely to be spreading types of flu. It won't hurt to get a second dose of the H1N1/09 vaccine in any way, so just in case you had a different flu and not the pandemic swine flu before (you can't be sure unless you had specific lab tests to confirm the specific type), you will be best protected by getting the trivalent vaccine this year (trivalent just means it contains vaccine for three flu viruses).

When will there be an H1N1 vaccine?

For H1N1/09, Novel Swine Flu: they began developing the vaccine in the US as soon as the virus was isolated and the epidemics were spreading in April and May 2009. The vaccines were approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on September 15, 2009. Other H1N1 vaccines: these have been developed in the past. One that is well known is the 1976 vaccine that was associated with an increase in Guillain-Barre Syndrome after the administration of the vaccine. It was made an entirely different way than these flu vaccines are made today. There are also some H1N1 vaccines developed for use by pig farmers for the prevention of the type of H1N1 that is a disease of pigs that people only rarely get when they are in regular close contact with the pigs.

Why wont previous exposure to the flu prvent subsequent infection?

The 'flu' is a virus, and viruses mutate readily. Unless the same flu makes its way around again, or a fairly similar strain to a previous encounter you've had through exposure or vaccine, you will have little defense.

How can the flu virus every fall be stopped?

For now there is only the prevention provided by an annual flu vaccination coordinated with proper hand washing and other similar behavioral precautions. There is promising work and beginning trials being done on creating a "universal" flu vaccine that will be effective for more (or all) of the types of influenza and will hopefully one day be used to replace the current annual vaccines, but it is not yet ready or available.

What is the best way to see if a vaccine for a disease in a bird spieces is working?

your butt :)

What is distribution of disease buy time?

Influenza is a serious disease that can lead to hospitalization and sometimes even death. Every flu season is different, and influenza infection can affect people differently. Even healthy people can get very sick from the flu and spread it to others. Over a period of 31 seasons between 1976 and 2007, estimates of flu-associated deaths in the United States range from a low of about 3,000 to a high of about 49,000 people. During a regular flu season, about 90 percent of deaths occur in people 65 years and older. The "seasonal flu season" in the United States can begin as early as October and last as late as May. During this time, flu viruses are circulating in the population. An annual seasonal flu vaccine (either the flu shot or the nasal-spray flu vaccine) is the best way to reduce the chances that you will get seasonal flu and lessen the chance that you will spread it to others. When more people get vaccinated against the flu, less flu can spread through that community.

Are there any findings regarding the long-term effects from Swine Flu immunizations given in the 1970s?

About 24% of the US population received the swine flu vaccine offered in 1976. Of those, about 500 developed Guillain-Barré syndrome and 25 died. A connection to receiving the Flu Vaccine was believed, but no such connection was ever shown to subsequent flu vaccines.

What is a good sentence for prevent?

Hand washing is the best way to prevent the flu.