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Q: What the difference between a french street to an English street?
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Does 'rue' mean 'men' when translated from French to English?

The French word "rue" (feminine noun) means "street" in English.The English words man/men are "homme/hommes" in French.

What is the difference of a street?

In this question you can't differ anything were you maybe asking what is the difference between a street and road?

What is the difference between highway and street?

a highway is big but a street is small in length

What is the difference between street jazz and regular jazz?

street jazz is a street,but regular jazz is music.

What is the difference between street smarts and book smarts?

It's the difference between intelligence and wisdom. Street smarts is experienced, book smarts is learned through books.

Where was French Hospital in NYC?

French Hospital was on 30th Street between 8th and 9 th ave in Manhattan. It is now the "French Apartments" at 330 W 30th Street.

Rue de la belle etoile translate french to English?

In French, 'Rue de la belle etoile' can be translated in English to:'The beautiful star street'

What is the difference between graffiti and street art?

The eye of the beholder.

What is 'Tu habites dans quelle rue' when translated from French to English?

"What street do you live on?" is an English equivalent of the French phrase Tu habites dans quelle rue? The question translates literally as "You live in which street?" in English. The pronunciation will be "tyoo a-beet daw kel ryoo" in French.

What is the difference between a street and a regular fitting?

STREET has male and female ends REG has only female

What does sur quelle rue mean in French?

"Sur quelle rue" in French translates to "which street" in English.