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A compound contain two or more different elements.

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Q: What the difference between native elements and compounds?
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How do elements occur?

As elements or as compounds For example, copper occurs in its elemntal form (native copper) and as various compounds (copper sulphide, copper sulphate etc)

What is the difference between an element and a native element?

Elements can either be synthetic or natural. Synthetic elements are made artificially in laboratories, while natural elements exist in their natural state in nature. Natural elements can further be defined as native elements. These elements exist in their uncombined state.

Difference between native and non native species?

The difference between native and non-native species is that native species are from that area and non-native species are not from that area.

What are the difference between fluent English and native English?

Fluent English refers to a high level of proficiency in the language, often acquired through study and practice. Native English refers to a person who speaks English as their first language, acquired from birth or early childhood. Native English speakers have a deeper understanding of cultural nuances and idiomatic expressions compared to fluent speakers.

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Why are gold silver and copper considered native elements?

Gold, silver, and copper are considered native elements because they occur in nature in their pure form. They are not chemically combined with any other elements and can be found in Earth's crust as metallic mineral deposits. This is in contrast to other elements, which are often found in nature in the form of compounds or minerals.

What is the difference between African and native American masks?

African masks are often used in cultural ceremonies and rituals to represent spirits or ancestors, while Native American masks are used for storytelling, healing, and ceremonial purposes. African masks tend to be more stylized and abstract, representing supernatural beings, while Native American masks often depict animals or ancestral spirits in a more naturalistic way. Additionally, African masks are typically made from wood, while Native American masks can be made from various materials such as wood, leather, or cloth.

In what two ways can elements occur nature?

They can occur as either pure substances, for example native gold and sulphur, or combined with other substances in the form of compounds, such as ores.

What is the difference between great plain Native Americans woodland Native Americans and coastal area Native Americans?

Great Plains Native Americans were nomadic hunter-gatherers who relied on buffalo for survival, while Woodland Native Americans practiced agriculture and lived in permanent settlements. Coastal area Native Americans relied heavily on fishing and had easy access to seafood, as well as engaging in trade and navigation along the coast. Each group had distinct cultural practices, traditions, and lifestyles shaped by their environments.

What kind of elements are halides oxides sulfates sulfides carbonates and native elements?

What you have listed are not elements (except for the 'native elements'), they are classifications of minerals.

How can you tell the difference between a native fire ant and a imported fire ant?


How can you tell the difference between the native fire ant and a imported fire ant?
