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The gastric juice is mainly acidic and initiates breaking down the food into component parts and has a lot of mucus to provide lubrication.

The pancreatic juice is basic (alkali) to neutralize the stomach acid and has enzymes to further break down the components and allow them to be absorbed.

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Q: What the difference between the gastric juice and pancreatic juice?
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saliva is secreted in the mouth contains salivary amylase and lysozyme in the stomach the gastric glands secrete gastric juice-pepsin ,renin ,and ,lipase in the small intestine the pancreatic juice -( trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen,procarboxypeptidases amylases, lipases, and nucleases )is secretedthe goblet cells sectrete mucus and the intestinal juice (succus entericus )

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The gastric glands are found between the rugae. These glands are lined with different cells that contribute to the formation of gastric juice.

Where is food mixed with gastric juice?

Food mixes with gastric juice in the stomach, the only place gastric juice should ever be in the body unless there is gastric reflux or perforation of the stomach.

What are the function of the pepsinogen in gastric juice?

Gastric juice, as known is an acidic juice present in the stomach. Pepsinogen in gastric juice conveys it to convert the pieces of food into a thick paste which then continues on. ^_^

Where does pancreatic juice perform its digestive role and how does it get there?

Pancreatic juice performs its functions in the duodenum. It gets there by traveling through the pancreatic duct then enters the duodenum through the hepatopancreatic ampulla (ampulla of Vater).