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Eris, goddess of discord, threw a golden apple inscribed "To The Fairest" to the goddesses at the wedding of Peleus and Thetis because she was angry at not having been invited to the celebration. 3 goddesses laid claim to the apple, and their rivalry brought about the events which led to the Trojan war.

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Q: What the goddess Discord threw into the wedding celebration?
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Who threw the golden apple to goddess in Greek mythology?

Eris did, the goddess of strife and discord.

Who threw the golden apple marked To the Fairest?

Eris, the goddess of strife and discord. She was angry that she was not invited to a wedding that all the other gods were attending. So she threw her golden apple, the apple of discord, at the wedding. Since it was marked "To the Fairest", Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera (Greek godesses) thought it was their and fought over it.

Who threw the golden apple marked to the fairest in the book the heroes of the Trojan war?

Eris, the goddess of discord, was responsible for that apple. She threw it as revenge for not being invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis.

Who threw the apple in the mythology wedding?

Eris, personification of discord, threw a golden apple with the words "To the fairest," at the wedding of Peleus and Thetis.

Whose marriage is believed to have started the Trojan War?

Peleus and Thetis, to which Eris, goddess of discord, was not invited - and so threw the 'Apple of Discord' among the Olympians.

What were Eris goddess of discord responsibilities?

She was the goddess of rainbows and had the power to see the future. She was also the delivery/ messenger to the greeks, and if you had a golden drachama, threw it in a mist so it created a rainbow, and said this weird phrase, then stated who/what you wanted to see then, you could see them.

What was a reason for the Trojan war?

During a wedding the gods were present at, Eris, the goddess of strife and discord, threw a golden apple (know as the Apple of Discord) into the wedding. On the apple read: To the Fairest. The three goddesses Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera all wanted the apple for they thought they were the 'fairest'. Zeus gave the apple to Paris and told him to decide who the 'fairest was. He chose Aphrodite because she told him there was a woman named Helen in Sparta who was almost as beautiful as her. Paris visited Sparta and while the Helen's husband was away, Paris took Helen away to Troy with him. When the Spartan king found out, he declared war on Troy.

What is the name of the man that Aphrodite gave the golden apples?

If you mean the Golden Apple that Eris (Goddess of Discord) threw amidst the goddesses with the words "to the fairest" inscribed upon it. Then the apple was given to Paris, to decide between Athena, Aphrodite and Hera.

Who was Hera the Greek goddess associated with?

One myth was the ''apple of Eris(discord)''. The short version is that Eris, goddess of discord ''gave'' an apple to Paris with the inscription ''fairest''. 3 goddess claimed the apple, Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena. Paris chose Aphrodite. Another one is that when Hera gave birth to Hephaestus, she was so disgusted with his ugliness that she threw him from Olympus. To revenge her Hephaestus built her a magic throne that she couldn't get up from. He released Hera after the gods gave him Aphrodite as his wife.

Why is Aphrodite a goddess?

because oranos cut up his father and threw him in the sea that's how she was born and is a goddess

Why is Athena important in the Trojan war?

when eris wasn't invited to a wedding she threw a golden apple to the goddess that includes Athena Aphrodite and persephone it was mean't to be for the fairest all the goddesses fought for the apple thus causing the war

Did any gods or goddess not like Aphrodite?

no , there was a goddess who was jealous of aphrodites birth of her son & threw him onto the mountains ..