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Q: What the name for the kind off people referred 2 as being green around the gills?
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How does salmon breath?

Of course they can all fish have gills which allow them to breath in water.

Do beluga whales have lungs or gills?

All whales have lungs. No whale has gills. The whale Shark has gills, but that name comes from it being a Shark - a fish - the size of a whale.

When grilling Portobello mushroom caps should you remove gills?

I normally remove the gills. The gills, being very thin, are likely to burn. This can give you a gritty feeling when eating.

What does the idiom stuffed to gills mean?

Being full of food .

Why the gills of fishes are red?

They are red because you can see the colour of the red blood through the thin walls of the gills. The gills carry the oxygenated blood into and around the fish just as your lungs do for you.

What are the functions of gills and the cilia on the gills?

Two functions of a clam's gills are to extract oxygen from the water and separate sand particles from food particles and water when being digested.

Are there people who can only breath under water?

Maybe, if people were born with gills.

How do fish breathe in fish tanks?

people have lungs that enable them to breathe air, and fish have gills that enable them to breathe water _____________________________ lungfish have lungs to breathe air if there is a drought. ~metalumbreon

Why are referred to as filter feeders?

Because they have no head nor do they have a Radula. They obtain their nutrients by capturing their food in the mucus covering their gills, filtering it out of the water.

How do squids breathe?

Squid breathe through gills. Water flows into the mantle and around the gills, which absorb oxygen from the water and release carbon dioxide.

Do sea turtles have lungs and gills?

This is actually a hard question to answer. Because Turtles can actually diffuse oxygen from the water with what is commonly referred to as Bum Gills. They aren't actually gills, but have the similar function.

How are sharks and people different?

Sharks are fish, the have gills and fins. Us, on the other hand, have hands, are are land "animals" and run or drive cars instead of swim to get around.