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Q: What the name of the god of love for the Romans?
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In Greek mythology who is the god of love?

Aphrodite is the goddess of love, known as Venus to the Romans. The word "aphrodisiac" comes from her name.

Who is the Greek archer god who love?

Cupid was the god who caused love. But the true being of love was his mother the goddess of love, aphodittie. Do not test my knownagle of greek gods, goddess, and myths!!;) -HistoryPup

How many planets in your Solar System were known by the Romans and named after Roman gods?

* Mercury - a messenger, and a god of trade, profit and commerce. * Venus - Goddess of love * Mars - God of war * Jupiter - King of the gods. * Saturn - God of agriculture and harvest Earth was known to the Romans but does not have a Roman god's name.

What is the power of Venus's god of Romans?

Venus had the power of love and he also hypnotized

What was the name given to the Romans neighbours and what did it mean?

the Romans name was froma small village and it ment faith and love.

Why did they call eros cupied?

Eros was the god of love to the Greeks. The Romans called their god of love Cupid and associated the two gods with each other.

How did Mars get its name from?

romans, after the god of war it was red, the color of blood

Who are the god's of rome?

There are very,very much Gods where the Romans believed in for everyting they had a god such as Cupido:God of love,Mars God of war.

Where did Venus get its name?

Venus got its name from the Roman name for the Greek goddess of love.

What is Hermes the god roman name?

The Romans associated Greek god Hermes with Mercury.

What verses in the Bible actually mention Eros in the Bible?

The Bible does not mention Eros. Eros is the name of the mythical Greek god of Love, the same as Cupid to the Romans

What was Eros the god of love known for?

Eros or known as cupid by the romans is known for making people fall in love