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Q: What the people in Xi'an trade IN the silk road?
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Was silk traded in Xian?

Yes, city of Xi'an was the eastern terminus of the Silk Road and it was the centre of silk trade.

The last stop along the silk road?

xian shaanxi was along the silk road

Where does the Silk Road start?

Xian (Chang'an) in China.

Why did trade along the silk road flourish?

People needed silk

What goods did Xian trade on the Silk Road?

The silk road was a route, so people only used it to carry the spices, silk, perfumes, and other things from China to Europe. It was a dangerous route that went through different countries and it was expensive for the merchant/shipper. These are the reasons a water route was sought.

Where did people trade in ancient china?

the silk road

Why do people trade things on the silk road?


What effects did the silk road have on nations or regions?

the silk road was a way to trade,it was well known and people used it to transport good and trade with people from other regions

What people and groups of people were found on the silk road?

some of the people that could be found on the silk road were mainly asians wishing to trade

Did people from china trade goods on the silk road?

Yes, they did.

Do people still trade on the silk road?

NO!they dont sorry

What did xian trade?

Xi'an was a major trading hub on the Silk Road, facilitating the exchange of goods such as silk, spices, and ceramics between China and the West. Additionally, the city was an important center for the trade of tea, precious metals, and other luxury items.