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QURAN tells that Islam is a only religious which is dominant over all other religion. Islam is the religion of God, it is the way of life that God accepted for his human creatures, and it was presednt long before it appeared in Makkah. the 1st one who called those who submit to.

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Q: What the quran talks about the origin of Islam?
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What is the origin of the holy book of Islam?


What is the nation of origin in Islam?

The nation of origin of Islam per Quran God revelation to prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the Arabic nation in Saudi Arabia.

What was the origin of Islam?

When people actually started believing Islam was when the Prophet Muhammad (S) become appointed a Prophet at the age of 40. It was then that Allah (SWUT) revealed the Quran too him.

What is the year of origin of Islam?

Islam is founded by start of universe creation. However, per God Quran revelation to prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the founding date is the date of Quran revelation that was in year 610 AD through year 632 AD. Refer to question below.

How many founders did Islam have?

Islam, that means in Arabic peace and submission to the one and only one God, is the call of all God prophets (including Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad) for people since start of mankind.So, if the question talks about Islam in this sense, then all God prophets are founders of Islam.However, as Judaism and Christianity are religions per God revelation of respectively Torah and Bible to respectively the prophets Moses and Jesus, the very name Islam is the religion per God revelation of Quran to the prophet Muhammad.So, if the question talks about Islam religion per God revelation of Quran to Prophet Muhammad, then he is the only founder of Islam religion per the holy book Quran and his teachings (sayings and practices).

Compare the origin of Islam with that of Christian faith?

Both religions, Christianity and Islam, were orginated by God through God revelation of the Bible and Quran to respectively the prophets Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them).

What is the believes of Islam?

the quran

What religion has quran in it?


What is Islam's believers?

the quran


Islam is the complete code of life..Which propelyndefined in Quran

Why is Islam false?

I wonder How do you assume that Islam is false and then you asking why?. I think you should first know the arguments and then you conclude if Islam is false or not. Anyhow, Islam is not false, Islam is the true religion. Refer to the questions below for more information on Islam fundamentals, Quran (Muslims holy book) authenticity, The scientific miracles of Quran that prove that Quran is God revelation to prophet Muhammad to call for Islam, and other Islam relevant issues.

What is the place and date of origin for Islam?

The place is Makkah (or Mecca) in the current country called Saudi ArabiaDate of origin was year 610 AD when first verses of Quran was revealed by God to prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)It is quite different than the so called Nation of Islam. Refer to related question below.