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Q: What the seventeenth and eighteenth centuriesmany people began to?
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During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries many people began to what?

In that historical period, people began to think independently of religious authority. Science, politics, and philosophy all develped in new directions which had previously been blocked by religion.

What country began to colonize Indonesia in the early seventeenth century?

The Netherlands began to colonize Indonesia in the early seventeenth century.

What began by the eighteenth amendment?

The eighteenth amendment officially started the Prohibition Era, declaring alcohol illegal.

The American novel began to develop in the eighteenth century?

Yes the American Novel did begin to develop in the eighteenth century.

What was an effect of the age of reason in the seventeenth and eighteenth centries?

The Age of Reason is also called the Age of Enlightenment, and inspired intellectual thought during the seventeenth, and eighteenth century. For the first time, issues were looked at and deciphered by reason, with respect to the human mind. During the age of reason, several absolute rulers became admirers of the Enlightenment theories, and instituted reforms to that way of thinking. It also inspired the American patriot intellectuals who used the theories and ideals to rebel and establish a new government.

Which type of factories began to flourish in the late eighteenth century?


What type of factories began to flourish in the late eighteenth century?


Which amandment began prohibition?

The eighteenth amendment to the U.S Constitution began the prohibition of alcohol. This amendment was repealed by the twenty-first.

When did naturopathic medicine begin?

Naturopathy began in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, as the industrial revolution forced many people into unhealthy lifestyles, and the European custom of "taking the cure" at natural spas became popular.

Eighteenth-century Russia and nineteenth-century Japan were similar in that both countries?

began the process of modernization after a long period of isolationism

When did the scientific revolution begin and end?

Of all the changes that swept over Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the most widely influential was an epistemological transformation that we call the "scientific revolution." In the popular mind, we associate this revolution with natural science and technological change, but the scientific revolution was, in reality, a series of changes in the structure of European thought itself: systematic doubt, empirical and sensory verification, the abstraction of human knowledge into separate sciences, and the view that the world functions like a machine. These changes greatly changed the human experience of every other aspect of life, from individual life to the life of the group. This modification in world view can also be charted in painting, sculpture and architecture; you can see that people of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries are looking at the world very differently.

What is the history of naturopathic medicine?

People have always seen a connection to diet and disease, and many therapies are built around special diets. Naturopathy began in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, as the industrial revolution brought about unhealthy lifestyles.