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families get ruined and people always have fear from them, they see broken glass and cracked floors

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Q: What the social problems caused by drinking alcohol?
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When can social drinking become problem drinking?

when alcohol is used to try to relieve stress or escape from problems

Is alcohol social?

Alcoholic drinking is not social drinking.

What social problems are caused by alcoholism?

= Alcohol and social problems related because of some matter or scenario would be happen when you're on the moment of drinking alcohol. This could be happen if your right was been depriving by a certain person that could be the time that your social problem will arises. = == ==

What were some of the social problems that Muhammad worried about?

I know that alcoholismwas one of his concerns, which is why Islam forbids the drinking of alcohol.

Give an ten examples of social problems?

Some examples of social problems include: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Teen Pregnancy Crime Underage Drinking Racism Sexism Pollution Social Discrimination Gay Marriage Censorship

A person may be an alcoholic if he or she?

Can't control the amount or timing of alcohol consumption, experiences serious problems as a result of drinking, hides alcohol, "pre-loads" before going out to social events, etc.

How do you prevent diarrhea from alcohol consumption?

If you are experiencing the runs from your drinking, you are -- by definition -- drinking far too much. It does not happen to "social" drinkers. Drink less alcohol. Alcohol-induced diarrhea is caused by the body's rejection of the alcohol, which it recognizes as a poison, and because of the irritation caused to the inside of the digestive tract. Some people are more susceptible to that than others. If you are one of them, consider it one more good reason not to drink.

What is the difference between a social drinker and a problem drinker?

Social drinking doesn't cause problems whereas problem drinking does.

What is one way that drinking alcohol can make an individual less social?


Why is bringe drinking a problem?

Binge drinking increases the risk of a number of medical, social, and safety problems.

The women's Christian temperance Union argues that laws concerning alcohol were necessary to?

Decrease social problems

At what blood alcohol level so most social drinkers quit drinking?

Social drinker or not, if you start drinking the time in which you will quit (if you ever do) varies based on the person.