

What the source of the chickenpox vaccine?

Updated: 7/20/2021
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15y ago

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Hey there fellow user!

The source of the chickenpox vaccine is currently from human diploid cells (has 23 pairs of chromosomes because it is human; basically 1 set from mom and the other from dad).

Before that, it was taken from a child with chickenpox (varicella-zoster virus), grown in the embryonic human lung cells, then embryonic guinea pig cells cultures, and finally in the human diploid cell cultures (from Wikipedia).

From what I have heard from the virology podcast called 'This Week in Virology' or 'TWiV', the chickenpox vaccine is pretty expensive since it is a slow grower in lab culutres, hence difficult to produce in large quantities in a short span of time.

Hopefully, this answer was useful for you! 😄

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Chickenpox vaccine is not intramuscular. It is a subcutaneous vaccine.

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Chickenpox vaccine is useful. It reduces the risk of chickenpox, of complications, hospitalizations, and deaths from chickenpox, and of shingles.

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A person with a history of chickenpox or history of chickenpox vaccine will typically have a positive antibody test for chickenpox.

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Chickenpox vaccine is not recommended for women who are pregnant.

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Yes, you can give chickenpox vaccine in the same area as other vaccines.

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Yes, a baby without vaccine can get chickenpox.

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Current recommendations are for two doses of chickenpox vaccine, regardless of the history of chickenpox or shingles.

What good can a vaccine be if one has had chickenpox?

Chickenpox vaccine isn't needed if you've had chickenpox in the past. Shingles vaccine is recommended for patient 60 and over to prevent shingles.

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Pasteur did not discover chickenpox vaccine. However, death rates due to chickenpox have decreased over 90% in the US since chickenpox vaccine was approved.

Can chickenpox vaccine kill you?

There have been few deaths occurring shortly after chickenpox vaccine and reported to the CDC's vaccine complication reporting service. The deaths found to be associated with chickenpox vaccine are typically in patients who were immunocompromised and should not have received the vaccine.

What are the advantages of chickenpox vaccine?

Chickenpox vaccine provides protection against the chickenpox virus, which can cause both chickenpox and shingles. Getting the vaccine reduces the risk of serious complications, which can occur in pregnant women with chickenpox as well as immunocompromised patients.its a practice for your body

Is it fine to have a bump after you get the chickenpox vaccine?

It is not uncommon to have a "bump" or localized swelling for a day or two after chickenpox vaccine.