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It stands for 4 different stages of the people in China.

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Q: What the stars on China's flag stand for?
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The stars in the U.S. Flag stand for the 50 states in the U.S. The stars in the U.S. Flag stand for the 50 states in the U.S.

What the stars on the American flag stand for?

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What does the stars stand for on the flag?

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The fifty stars on the United States of America's flag stands for the fifty states in America.

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What do the stars in the flag stand for?

They stand for the 50 states. A long time ago, there used to be 13 stars for the 13 colonies.

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The 50 stars stand for the 50 states of america

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What do the stars in the us flag stand for?

They stand for the 50 states. A long time ago, there used to be 13 stars for the 13 colonies.