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eschewed the chew - Alexander Davidson

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Q: What the tipsy partygoer did when he swallowed the goldfish whole?
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Why do we swallow goldfish whole at contests?

Because it's fun! It's great to watch people's reaction and it's not something that just anyone will do. I swallowed my first goldfish in college and still do it often at parties. Feels cool when they are moving in your gut!

Has a shark ever swallowed anyone whole?


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What should you do if you accidentally ate your goldfish?

If you swallow a goldfish, then you would just digest it and probably be less hungry so eat less for your next meal impressing your girlfriends parents who then think you are suitable for their daughter even though you were oblivious to their thoughts and would have went ahead and stuffed yourself. #################################################### People swallow goldfish for many reasons. Some like the feeling of a live creature going down their throats, and others like the feelling of dominance they get from sending a fish down the hatch. Many people do it on bets or dares, and still others do it for money. Whatever the reason, goldfish swallowing has been popular for decades! Visit this site: Check out the latest videos of beautiful girls and tight men swallowing whole live goldfish tetras. bettas, sharks and other aquatic creature.

What is goldfish eating of the 1920's?

Goldfish Eating was when a group of people would gather together and, as plain as the name, eat goldfish. People would compete against each other to see how many they could swallow whole. This really became popular when in 1939 when a Harvard college student swallowed a goldfish when the other couldn't. It grew from there. Eventually, it became so popular, laws were made banning the 'cruel consumption' of the fish. here's some more information:

What phobia is the fear of being swallowed whole?


How did Fenrir kill Odin?

He swallowed him whole, and alive.

What rhymes with swallowed whole?

Keeping with the reptile theme... Anole !

How many goldfish are in the whole world?

there are over a million :)

When you eat corn why does it come out whole?

Seeing whole kernels in the stool means it was swallowed before it was chewed.

What is Odin's fate at Ragnarök?

He is swallowed whole and alive by the wolf Fenrir.

What Would Happen To Me If I Shrunk And My Friend's Girlfriend Swallowed Me Whole?
