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Q: What the two copies of a chromsomes are called?
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What are two copies of a gene called?

its called cloning!

What are the two copies of a chromosome called after they split?

Sister chromatids

What is a Cell that has two copies of each chromosone called?

A cell with two copies of each chromosome is called a diploid cell. A cell with one copy is called a haploid cell.

A species that contains two copies of each chromosome is called?


What caused anomaly when one daughter cells gets two copies of a chromosome?

The process by which a daughter cell accidentally get two copies of a chromosome is called "nondisjuction".

Is there two chromsomes or one?

Humans have 46 chromosomes (in each cell), that is, 23 pairs of chromosomes.

The two exact copies of DNA that make up a chromosome are called?


Traits that typically will only be expressed in offspring if they inherit two copies of the genes for the trait are called?

Traits that typically will only be expressed in offspring if they inherit two copies of the genes for the trait are called Recessive traits. - Nikkkki

What term describes an individual with two copies of the same allele?

The individual with two of the same allele is "homozygous" for a trait.

The two exact copies of DNA that makes up each chromosome are called?


What are pair of similar chromosomes called?

HomologousWe receive one complete set of chromosomes from each parent. This means that for each chromosome, say chromosome 7, there are two copies in every cell of our bodies: the maternal and paternal copies of chromosome 7.The two copies of one chromosome are called a pair of homologous chromosomes.