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Social learning theory posits that gender roles are learned through observation and imitation of models, such as parents, peers, and media figures. This theory suggests that individuals acquire gender-specific behaviors and attitudes by observing and replicating the behaviors they see around them.

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Q: What theory assumes that gender roles are learned by observing and imitating models?
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What is Gender of teacher?

The gender of a teacher can vary and is not limited to one specific gender. Teachers can be male, female, or identify with a different gender identity. It is important to respect and acknowledge the diversity of genders in the teaching profession.

Is it sexist to have dress codes differ by gender?

This is a matter of opinion rather than law. My opinion is that: As items of clothing differ by gender it is not sexist for dress codes to differ by gender.

What are practical Gender Needs?

Practical gender needs refer to the basic needs that men and women have as a result of their different social roles and responsibilities. These needs may include access to healthcare, education, employment, and social services that address the daily challenges and constraints faced by individuals due to their gender. It is important to consider practical gender needs in development planning to ensure that policies and programs effectively promote gender equality and women's empowerment.

What is the theme for world teachers day 2011?

The theme for World Teachers' Day in 2011 was "Teachers for Gender Equality." It aimed to highlight the important role teachers play in promoting gender equality and empowering girls and women through education.

What positive and negative effect of gender discrimination?

Gender discrimination can negatively impact individuals by limiting their opportunities for education, employment, and advancement, leading to lower self-esteem and economic disparities. Positively, addressing and reducing gender discrimination can foster a more inclusive and diverse society, benefiting from the unique perspectives and contributions of all genders.

Related questions

How do children learn their gender behavior?

Children instinctively know what gender they are. It is not learned behavior, but natural. This is why we have transgender people who haven't felt right all of their lives as the gender they were born into. If it was learned behavior this wouldn't be the case.

Sentences most likely contains an example of cultural or gender bias?

A sentence that contains an example of cultural bias might be: "People from that country are always late." This assumes that everyone from that country shares the same cultural trait of being late, which is a blanket generalization and can perpetuate stereotypes. A sentence that contains an example of gender bias might be: "Women are not as capable in leadership roles as men." This statement assumes that women have inherent limitations in leadership, which is a biased viewpoint that disregards individual abilities and reinforces gender stereotypes.

Why do boys and girls carry books differently?

Boys and girls may carry books differently due to social conditioning and gender norms that dictate how each gender should behave. These differences are often learned at a young age and can vary depending on cultural influences.

Do transgender challenge your view on gender?

Yes and no. The idea of transgenderism, that is, moving between or changing one's gender or sex is inherently against what most people think of sex and gender. However, I am genderqueer myself and was experiencing gender confusion and dysphoria before I learned what transgenderism was, so the concept wasn't too surprising to me when I learned of it. A lot of transgender people are against traditional gender roles (e.g. boys get trucks and girls get dolls, etc.) because they feel that it limited their experiences as children and forced them into a role that didn't fit them. Often it was their parents trying to enforce the roles. On the other hand, other transgender people act like "gender police"- they feel that the only way to prove that you are really transgender, really a man or woman, is to carefully follow and abide by gender roles. For example, if a transman (female-to-male transsexual) likes to crossdress (wear dresses and makeup, essentially), then he is not a "real" man.

Distinguishing the gender of nouns?

In many languages, including Spanish, French, and Italian, nouns are gendered as either masculine or feminine. The gender of a noun is indicated by the definite article that precedes it, with "el" or "le" denoting masculine and "la" or "la" denoting feminine. In some cases, the gender of a noun can be determined by its ending, with patterns that can help identify whether a noun is likely to be masculine or feminine.

What is a sentence that contains an example of cultural or gender bias?

Here are some sentences that show cultural or gender bias: Every police officer went back to his station. (This assumes that police officers are male.) The teacher should use technology when she is teaching her class. (Assumes the teacher is female.) The African Americans responded similarly to those who reported being White. In comparison, the non-Whites also responded similarly to the Asians surveyed. (The terms here show a cultural bias towards "white" by using non-parallel and non-specific terms for different ethnic groups.)

What is the gender of 'tree'?

All English nouns are of common gender.

Should a 12-year-old girl be weightlifting?

From a medical perspective, a 12 year old of either gender can safely engage in weightlifting, assuming proper form is learned and maintained for all lifts.

Are humans innately aggressive or are these behaviors learned?

Agression is a natural behaviour to humans. However, people can be more aggressive due to their culture, media, situational factors, gender, hormones, genetics, alcohol, etc...

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Religions aren't in the business of "updating" themselves. Culture changes slowly over time. This question assumes that these concepts can "be made to do things". Unless you become a dictator like Mao or Quadaffi, you aren't going to be "making" people do or think anything, thankfully.

What is a sentence for gender?

Gender is a socially constructed concept that influences how individuals identify and express themselves in relation to societal expectations of masculinity and femininity.