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Q: What theory does red shift support?
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How does red-shift support the steady state theory?

Red shift does not support the steady state theory.

How does red shift support the steady state theory?

Red shift supports the steady state theory in that the red shift indicates the Continuity Condition. Steady State means Conservation of Energy and does not require an expanding universe. It is the misunderstanding of red shift that adds the requirement of an expanding universe and the need for continuous creation.Hubble saw red shift as a "hitherto unrecognized principle of nature", not an expansion of the universe. less prudent physicists have misunderstood red shift. Red shift is an indicator of "continuity condition" and the result of centrifugal force balancing gravitational centripetal force.Steady State is the proper term for Conservation of Energy or Homeostasis, which seems to characterize the universe. "Steady State Theory" without expansion is well supported by red shift.The proper Theory of Gravity, E = -mu/r + mcV, accounts for 'dark Energy and red shift" and a finite universe.

How might the redshift indicate there is evidence for the big bang theory?

The red shift doesn't just indicate that there is evidence for the Big Bang theory: the Hubble red shift is evidence supporting the Big Bang theory.

Why does red shift support the big bang theory?

Because if everything we can see is moving away from us, and the further away the faster it's going, if you extrapolate back in time you realize that at some point everything must have been very close together. That's more or less the core of the Big Bang theory. answer2: The Big bang is a bust if there is no expansion , motion! Red shift is interpreted as the motion, thus the Big Bang is possible. However, the red shift is misinterpreted. Hubble himself, did not accept the red shift as recession, rather Hubble called the red shift, "a hitherto unrecognized principle of Nature". The red shift is the indicator of the centrifugal force, associated with the "Dark Energy", the vector energy Ev=mcV. Properly interpreted, the red shift indicates no Expansion, no Big Bang.

What does the big bang theory involve?

Red shift caused by the galaxies moving apart.


It isn't clear what forms of evidence you are talking about. Also, redshift is not a theory; it's an observational fact. The THEORY (actually, the only reasonable explanation) for redshift on large scales is that it is due to the expansion of the Universe.

How did the Doppler effect lead to the Big Bang theory?

Actually, it wasn't the Doppler-effect that lead to the Big Bang theory, but the red-shift of remote galaxies. Although it was initially thought that this red-shift might be caused by a Doppler-effect, it is now understood that this red-shift is caused by the metric expansion of space itself.

What model of universe creation is supported by the red shift?

All modern models based on science that are worth their salt would be. The only major theory I know about the origin of the universe is the Big Bang Theory, which is supported by Red Shift observations. Galaxies we can observe are all moving away (we know this due to Red Shift) from a central point, believed to be the epicenter of the Big Bang.

Relationship of red shift and the big bang theory?

The Big Bang theory predicts an expanding universe. The red shift, being the Doppler effect of light when something is receding from you, confirms this because when looking at galaxies the light emitted from them is red shifted. The farther away galaxies have a higher red shift, confirming that all galaxies are moving away from each other, not just the Milky Way (i.e. the universe is expanding).

What evidence was used to develop the big bang theory?

The red shift and the cosmic microwave background radiation was the evidence used to develop the big bang theory.

Is the big bang theory supported by the blue violet shift?

Outside of our Local Group, no galaxy gives off light that exhibits a blue-shift. You most likely meant to say "red shift."

How does cosmological red shift support the big bang theory?

Jesuit priest George LeMaitre first proposed the idea that the space of our Universe is expanding, and has been doing so since (his words) "the day with no yesterday." If his idea is correct, then we would see all galaxies outside our Local Group as red shifted, and the size of that red shift would be proportional to the distance between us and those distant galaxies. This undeniable fact about our Universe -- called the Cosmological (or Hubble) Red Shift -- is exactly what we do see.