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Q: What thing does Peter know can survive a nuclear blast?
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What is the only animal that would survive a nuclear Holocaust?

I don't know every animal that would be able to survive, but Cockroaches are believed to be able to. The blast itself would kill everything around. The blast itself wouldn't destroy every living thing, but the radiation would do most of the work. Cockroaches can survive extreme heat and radiation.

Is cockroach's the only thing that can survive a nuclear bomb?


What does the blast impact of a nuclear weapon do?

Exactly the same thing as a TNT bomb of the same yield.

Is it a cockroach or a scorpion that is the only thing that can survive nuclear wipe out?

The Cockroaches shell protects it from nuclear bombs, so in other words the cockroach.

What is the last thing on Earth?

roaches because they can survive even the worst of nuclear storms or disasters

How do you beat thing thing 1?

use mega blast

Is a nuclear reaction a living thing?

A nuclear reaction is not considered a living thing.

Can twinkies survive a nuclear bomb if so why?

"Maybe, but the only lifeforms that can survive a nuclear holocaust are cockroaches." That's not true humans can and most likely survive a nuclear holocaust simply bc unless you are caught with in 50 miles of a nuclear bomb or something of that nature you will most likely survive. For how long depends on how much radiation is left in the atmosphere and the full extent of the holocaust. (EDIT BY: LEFCOJ) fruit flies can withstand up to 100,000 rads! that's 100 times more than a human cockroaches can only survive about 50,000 rads. if you are caught within six miles of the blast radius we will die. but...there is hope if you are about 10 miles from the blast you still want to take procautionary measures(because you might get the fallout!!!!) if you have a basement under or more than six inches below the ground HIDE IN THERE!!!! THAT IS YOUR BEST CHANCE!!!!! radiation can only go six inches under the ground. if you don't have a basement and it is safe to go outside if there is no fallout, wear boots and cover up with warm clothes that you will need to dispose of right after use, because its gonna be cold!!! that's why its called nuclear winter it will be just like winter in Alaska. you will want to dig six inches of the soil in your yard and dispose of it. but you better get a gun because once the blast is over, its gonna be hell. there will be rrobbers and looters trying to steal, or maybe kill you to get your supplies. stay in the safest place with food and water. for more information, go to and type in "Protect and Survive Videos" these vids were issued to Britain in the 1970s and80s, when the nuclear threat was very high. so be safe, stock up, and LIVE!!!!! eventually the cockroaches will die of hunger. You forgot two major lifeforms that will also survive: most forms of groundworms and waterbears. I saw an episode of family guy that proved that humans can survive a nuclear holocaust. whats up alex

What are nuclear tides?

There is no such thing as nuclear tides.

What is the worst thing about nuclear energy?

The worst thing about nuclear energy is that it can kill people.

Where can you get the TM aero-blast in diamond?

F.Y.I. no such thing

Is nuclear reactors and nuclear energy the same thing?

Nuclear energy is released when U-235 undergoes fission, and that takes place in nuclear reactors (or nuclear weapons). So a reactor is a thing constructed to produce nuclear energy.