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1. The mosquito is responsible for 3 million deaths a year, and is found worldwide. It spreads malaria, Yellow Fever, and West Nile Virus. 2. The Box Jellyfish. 5,568 humans killed each year. Shaped like a cube, this brainless "Sea Wasp" has tentacles several feet long. The sting sends a human into cardiac arrest within minutes. The sting is excruciatingly painful. Only turtles are immune to the venom, and turtles are its only known predator. Vinegar disables the nematocysts which have not yet fired into the prey's bloodstream, though it will not alleviate the horrific agony. 3. The Hippo. Though it lives in Wild Africa and no where else, the Hippo kills 300 humans per year. Tramples and gores humans for sport (hippos are herbivores). The mouthspan of a hippo's gaping yawn is 4 feet. Though much larger than a human, any hippo (30 mph) can outrun Abu Bakar (24 mph), and whenever the urge strikes the hippo, it does charge at you like a maniacal freight train. There is no escape.

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15y ago
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12y ago

Poison Dart Frog. The backs of the poison dart frog ooze a slimy neurotoxin that is meant to keep the predators away. Each frog produces enough of the toxin to kill 10 humans, though in captivity, the frogs do not secrete this poison. The frogs are brilliantly colored and live mainly in Central and South America.

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4y ago

In the USA fatal dog attacks were more common than fatal snake attacks. Wild animals are less likely to kill humans, than the animals we keep around us. Captive cows have killed many people even. Disease and parasites can also be contracted by living around our pets and livestock.

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14y ago

Snakes cause the most deaths to humans. Almost all of these deaths are from toxic bites.

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12y ago

Studies done by dog trainers and veterinarians have shown that BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS, not illness or car accidents, are the leading cause of death in animals each year.

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14y ago

The shelter system (Dog Pound) is the number 1 killer of animals in the United States.

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What measures can be taken to prevent killing of animals?

To prevent killing of animals we should :- 1.>Try becoming a vegetarian and stop killing and eating animals. 2.>We should stop buying things made up of animals or any parts of it. 3.>We should stop going to circus to prevent ill treatment of animals.

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We get many things from animals like wool, milk, silk, eggs, honey, etc.

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stop killing them for fashion or for things you don't really need

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global warming is killing the animals such as polar bears, hibernating animals and much more

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Food, fur, skin, body parts, The primal pleasure that some people get from killing things.

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killing animals for economic gain is acceptable

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the government is doing anything about this but it is killing the animals that live in the soil,and the things that eat the soil

What three things does edward admit to killing?

Edward admits to killing humans, animals, and mythical creatures such as the humans who had killed Esme, the humans who had killed Rosalie, and the man who had created the Volturi.

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They bascially kill animals for money. Poaching and Bushmeat trading are some of the commercial purposes for killing of animals.

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