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April was name dafter Aphrodite.

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Q: What things are named after Aphrodite?
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Did Aphrodite have a daughter named Annika?

No Aphrodite did not have a daughter named Annika in the Greek myths.

What planet is named after Greek goddess Aphrodite?

The Romans likened Aphrodite to their Venus and named a planet after her.

Is there anything named after Aphrodite?

Yes, aphrodisiacs, and the planet Venus was named after Aphrodite's Roman name.

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Was Aphrodite named after a planet?


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Was there anything named after Aphrodite?


What greek god was Uranus named after?

It is named after the goddess Venus (the goddess of love).

Why did they name Venus after Aphrodite?

the Romans named Aphrodite after the planet Venus because they wanted to.

How did the Greeks feels towards Aphrodite?

i think since they named her after a planet they must of liked her. aphrodite is goddess of love and beauty named after venus.

When did Aphrodite have a baby?

Aphrodite had a son in The Aeneid called Aeneas with a mortal man named Anchises.