

What things are paid for by taxes?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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12y ago

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Name it.. Schools are built, Cops are paid, National debts are paid, Every public service that is used, Is payed for by the taxes.. You CAN NOT have a sucessful government and society without taxes.

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12y ago
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Through taxation. We pay taxes on income, things we buy and a certain amount included in the price of gasoline is also a tax.

What is paid for by taxes?

Taxes pay for several things, and some of those things include: the national parks, the highway system, the defense system, and social services. The salaries of teachers, policemen, and government workers of any kind are paid for by taxes as well.

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Some taxes hat are paid in the U.S is: taxes for laws, for money, and some paid for child care

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Taxes are how we pay for the schools, roads, police, and other things needed to make our society better and safer.

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The amount of taxes to be paid depends on how much the company makes and how many people it employs, among other things.

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Federal state taxes are taxes to be paid to the federal government on owned property. Theses taxes are to be paid once a year.

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the government are paid with our taxes

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Schools are paid by taxes

How did the Incas do taxes?

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What are taxes?

Taxes are money that gets paid to the government.