

What things can you find on the moon?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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11y ago

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moon rocks

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Q: What things can you find on the moon?
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Why wouldn't you find fossils on the moon?

Because theirs no life on the moon so no things could dissolve into the soil which there is none on the moon for the things to metamorphosis into fossils

Why do they want to go back to the moon?

so they can find more information and scientific things about the moon and how it is like

What kind of things you can find on the moon?

You can find rocks and dust on the moon. That's pretty much it. Some ice does exist at the bottom of certain craters at the south pole of the moon.

What did NASA find on the moon?

When NASA landed on the moon, they found a number of things, including a colony or homosexuals and a herd of dinosaurs.

Why do we sent astronaut in the outer space?

Astronauts are exploring the space and the moon , as all of us can not go out there. They are also exploring the space and the moon to find new things.

What things are closer to the moon?

the moon is closer to you

What are two interesting things about the moon?

two things that are intresting about the moon are the glow and the rocks

Why are there no living things on the surface of the moon?

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What the moon can't do?

The moon cant do a lot of things

Where do you find a moon stone in yellow?

You find it in Mt. Moon

Is there a pizza hut on the moon?

Human beings have not colonized the moon or any other planets as yet. The only things on the moon are the things the astronauts left from the moon mission.

What are the things you need in moon and why?

Many things