

Best Answer

1519- Ball Bearing by Leonardo da vinci

1551- Steam Turbine by Taqi al- Din

1590- Compound Microscope by Dutch Lens

1608- Telescope by Hans Lippershey

1620- Slide Rule- by William Outghtred

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Q: What things were invented between 1450 to 1750?
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What year was the first chocolate made?

It was first made between 1450-1750

What was the things they were invented in 1750 and 1900?

One of the things that was invented was grammar. In place of singular verbs, the English language began to develop plural conjugations. In ye olde englishe, "they" and "that" were synonymous, but in 1784 they became separate words. For example, the sentence "What was the things they were invented in 1750 and 1900?" would become "What were the things that were invented in 1750 and 1900?".

Why did housing change between 1750-1900?

Because more things got invented, therefore people had more things to build a house with.

When was the first global age?

it was the 1450's to the 1750's

What things were invented between 1750-1900?

Lots of things were invented during the industrial revolution but here are a few: Steam engines Canals Factories Hot air balloons Vaccines Telephone

When was the music era of rennaissance?

* Medieval - pre 1450 * Renaissance 1450 - 1600 * Baroque 1600 - 1750 * Classical 1750 - 1820 * Romantic 1810 - 1910 * 20th Century 1900 - 2000

What name was given to the years 1450 - 1750?

It was called the Age of Exploration

What was invented in Italy between 1750-1914?

Piano and batteries

What instruments were invented between 1750 and 1820?

The Piano & Clarinet

Which era spans 1450 CE to 1750 CE?

Intermediate Era

What time period is associated with the American triangle trade?

The American Triangle Trade was from 1450-1750.

What time period is most associated with the American triangle?

The American Triangle Trade was from 1450-1750.