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Q: What three Australian birds favor Gymea lily nectar?
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Insects, nectar and seeds are the foods that honeycreepers eat. The answer depends upon the tribal membership of the birds in question (Carduelinae subfamily). Drepanidini members favor nectar, Hemignathini members prefer mostly insects and sometimes nectars, and Psittorostrini members seek seeds.

What seven butterflies favor Mexican sunflower nectar?

Several butterfly species would qualify as such; the most important among them is the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus).

What is a good Angry Birds saying for a party favor?

"hope you had a great time at my birthday FLING!"

What type of insects eats flowers?

Florivore, nectarivore, and pollenivore are the types of insects that eat flowers. The above-mentioned kinds of herbivore ("plant-eaters") respectively favor flowers, nectar, and pollen as food sources.

What flowers do animals like the best?

Birds visit various types of flowers, which helps with pollination. To determine which birds favor specific flowers, you must pick one type of bird to research.

What is the correct for to do a favor or to make a favor?

do a favor -- Will you do me a favor? or ask a favor -- Can I ask you a favor?

How do you get the downy woodpecker to quit pecking on your trees?

Hang suet cakes in locations in the yard. The birds will go for that instead. But, they are doing you a favor by eating insects on your trees.

How can you get rid of speetle bugs?

Spittle bugs favor the conditions of gardens with a heavy supply of nectar, and over fertilized areas. The bugs are considered to be pest to most gardeners. The best way to get rid of or control the spittle bug is to reduce the fertilizing in the garden.

What is the word favor mean in spanish?

Favor in Spanish means the same as in English. To say "por favor" (for favor) means please. "A favor de" means in favor of. "Da me un favor" is do me a favor.

What is the word for 'favor' in Spanish?

para favor

Can we say I am looking a favor from you?

We can say, "I am looking for a favor from you." But if we're looking for a favor from someone, we don't usually tell them we are. We usually ask them for a favor, and leave it up to them whether or not they will favor us. After all it is a favor, not an obligation.

How do you spell hemorage?

The US spelling is hemorrhage. (drops the grapheme æ in favor of just e)AnswerThe spelling is "haemorrhage" in British/Australian English.