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Soil, Rock, and water.

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Q: What three components make Earth's surface?
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How do earthquake activity change the earths surface?

By slowing down the earths rotation but will not make effect to humans .

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How does volcanos change the earths surface?

volcanoes change the earths surface due to the lava set hard and drys which can make the surface bobbly and ruff also it makes the land more fertilekill people

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The three parts that make up the Earths mantle are the crust, core, and mantle.

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What type of rocks make up most of Earths surface?

Sedimentary rock is the most common Earth surface rock.

How many rocks make up the earths surface?

This can't be answered because it is unknown.

What do scientists call the giant puzzle pieces that make up the earths surface?

tectonic plates

How can ice wear down the earths surface?

it crushes big rocks to make small rocks.

What would make the quickest changes to earths surface?

The quickest way to change the earth is an earthquake

How much of earths land percentage is desert?

Deserts make up 33% of the Land's surface