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Q: What three countries have a western coast on the Baltic Sea?
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Witch countries are the Baltic countries?

The three Baltic republics are Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia

Why are the Baltic republics named as they are?

The three Baltic republics are called the Baltic states, Baltics, Baltic nations, or Baltic countries. The countries include Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia.

Which of the countries below is not a Baltic nation?

Belarus is not a Baltic nation. The Baltic nations are Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, located in Northern Europe along the Baltic Sea. Belarus is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe.

What countries are known as the Baltic nations.?

There are three countries in the region known as the Baltic States. They are Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. However, the Baltic Sea borders many more countries, such as Finland, Russia, Sweden and Poland.

Which three countries separate russia from the baltic sea?

Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia

What three Baltic countries have Russia on either side of them?

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

What sea has coaslines on Poland Latvia Estonia Lithuania Finlandand Sweden?

It is the Baltic Sea. Note that the Baltic region comprises all the above countries plus Denmark, Germany and Russia (9 countries in total), while the Baltic countries are only three: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

What three European countries are often called ''The Baltic States''?

Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia

What three Baltic Countries are sandwiched between land in Russia?

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

The three countries that border the baltic sea?

The three contries are Sweden, Finland, and Poland.

What is the farthest north of these three countries Latvia Lithuania or Estonia?

Estonia is the farthest north of those three countries. They are Baltic Nations.

Which three nations on the coast of the baltic sea were officially republics of the soviet union until it broke apart in 1991?

The Baltic states (Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia).