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Q: What three groups do scientist arrange elements into?
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What are The three groups of elements?

Solids, Liquids, and gases.

What are three groups of elements?

Solids, Liquids, and gases.

What are two groups of elements?

There are three types of elements: metals, metalloids, and nonmetals. Most elements are metals.

The three main groups of elements are metalsnonmetalsand?

inert gases

Who is the scientist that grouped elements into sets of three?

Newland, Moseley, , Dobereiner, Mendeleeff...

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What are the three groups of elements on the periodic chart?

Metal, Non Metal, Noble Gas

What scientist published the first periodic table and how was it arranged?

In 1817, Döbereiner began to formulate one of the earliest attempts to classify the elements. He found that some elements formed groups of three with related properties. He termed these groups "triads". In all of the triads, the atomic weight of the second element was almost exactly the average of the atomic weights of the first and third element..

What are three elements named after scientist?

Einsteinium and mendelevium, Thorium, Curium, Fermium, Rutherfordium, Bohrium, Seaborgium, etc., etc.

How many ways can you arrange three beads?

you can arrange three beads 9 different ways.

What is the law of traid?

A German chemist Dobernier observed relationship between atomic masses of several groups of three elements called traids.In these groups the central or middle element had atomic mass average to the other two elements.

What are the elements in groups 3 through 12 called on the periodic table of elements?

generally groups 3-12 are called the transition metals.