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The mitochondria, Golgi apparatus and vacuole.

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Q: What three organelles does yeast and animal cells have?
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Do yeast cells have cell walls?

well yeast is a bacteria, so im guessing it would be an animal cell. No, this is wrong! There are 3 types of micro-organism - Virus, bacteria and fungi. Yeast is a fungi. Yeast cells have many organelles in common with both animal and plant cells but it is very difficult to assign one or the other to a yeast cell.

What is inside a yeast cell?

same with an animal cell or with a plant cell, organelles

Does yeast have a mitocondria?

Yes. A yeast cell is a eukaryotic cell and all eukaryotic cells have membrane bound organelles, that may include mitochondria. There are very few exceptions of eukaryotic cells not having mitochondria but yeast has them.

Do yeast have membrane bound organelles?

Yeast do not have membrane bound organelles.

What structure is present in both plant and yeast cells but not in bacterial cells?

Plant and yeast are eukariyotes. They have nucleus and membrane bound organelles

Why might a yeast bacteria and a disease causing bacteria differ in size?

Yeast aren't bacteria, they belong to the fungus family. Yeast, like bacteria, only consist of one cell. Bacteria are prokaryotic cells, which a simpler cells (they don't have a cell nucleus, and lack some cell organelles). Because they have less in them, they're smaller. Yeast are eukaryotic cells, meaning they are more complex and have more organelles. To contain them, they have to be bigger.

Does an animal cell have lysosome?

Lysosomes are spherical organelles that contain enzymes (acid hydrolases) that break up endocytized materials and cellular debris. They are found in animal cells, while in yeast and plants the same roles are performed by lytic vacuoles.

What do yeast cells have in common with plant cells?

Animal cells have no cell Walls and plant cells have a cell wall

Do yeast cells have membrane bound organelles?

Mitochondria are important cellular parts which are known as the 'power house' of the cell. Mitochondria provides energy to the cell by performing the function of respiration.Yeast cells also need their energy requirements to be fulfilled for carrying out cellular activities. Hence, yeast cells have mitochondria.

What type of cell is Nuclear Membrane found in?

There are two types of cells, prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cells are cells which do not have a proper nucleus. Bacteria are prokaryotes. Eukaryotic cells are cells which do have a nucleus, surrounded by a nuclear membrane. All plants, animals, fungi and protists have eukaryotic cells. There are many other differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. For more information see:

What type of cell is neither plant or animal?

Bacteria, and yeast cells, as well as protists

What types of cells has lysosomes?

Lysosomes are found in animal cells. Their jobs are to break up waste and cellular debris. This is performed by vacuoles in plant and yeast cells.