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You need two dissimilar metals such as copper and zinc, and have them submerged in an acid solution. Sulfuric acid is what is commonly used in car batteries, but something such as a citrus fruit would be able to provide a small charge because of the acidity of the juice inside.

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Q: What three substances are needed to make the first electric battery?
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Who built the first electric battery?

Alessandro volta

Who invented the first primitive electric battery called the voltaic cell?

Alessandro Volta (1745-1827) invented the voltaic cell, the first electric battery, in 1800.

What year did alessandro volta invent the first electric battery?


What was alessandro volta's contribution in electricity?

Alessandro Volta invented the electric battery were we use elctric :] He improved the electrophorus and later invented the first electric battery in 1800.

What was the first electric houseware?

the first electric houseware, the electric iron. The first iron patent was issued on June 6, 1882, but the power needed to run it was not available until 1890

A battery is what type of energy?

They contain chemical energy. If you are charging a battery, it has electric energy.

When did the first light bulb get made?

The first electric light was made in 1800 by Humphry Davy, an English scientist. He experimented with electricity and invented an electric battery. When he connected wires to his battery and a piece of carbon, the carbon glowed, producing light.

Who made the first battery like discovery?

Count Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta a.k.a Alessandro Volta is the first to invent the electric battery in 1800.

How was the battery first use?

Well, according to MythBusters in the 'Baghdad Battery' episode/myth, it was used for electric pain control, in conjunction with acupuncture.

How invented the bulb?

Humphry Davy who was an English Scientist is the person who is credited with the invention of the first electric bulb. He experimented with electricity and invented an electric battery.

Where does electricity get energy?

An electric current HAS energy. The energy comes from whatever caused the electric current to flow in the first place - for example, a generator, or a battery.

When was the battery powered watch invented?

The first battery powered watch was invented in 1957. It was the Hamilton Electric 500, and is on display at the Smithsonian.