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Q: What three tests to doctors perform in order to determine if there is a potential organ match for a transplant?
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Which type of organ transplant did Christian Barnard first perform in 1967?

That was a heart transplant.

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This is bone marrow transplant. A compatible donor should be screen and crossmatch before they can perform the transplant.

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The first doctor to perform a cornea transplant was Dr. Eduard Zirm. The patient that had this surgery was Alois Gloger. The surgery was performed on December 7th 1905.

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Is it possible to perform a heart transplant on yourself?

no i did it to my dog and he died the next day

What kind of doctors perform a bone mineral density test?

Your primary care doctor can set it up for you to have a low dose x-ray which will help determine your bone mineral density. A radiologist will perform the procedure and relay the results to your doctor.

Where did Denton Cooley perform his first heart transplant?

he did it mostly in a hospital. sometimes he had to do it at his house.

What made Christiaan Barnard famous?

The reason Cristiaan Barnard is famous is because he was the first person to perform a heart transplant.