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they were responsible for food, health, and happiness.

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Q: What three things was the congress respnsible for the articles of confederation?
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Related questions

How did the Constitution overcome the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?

It allowed congress to do things they the couldn't when they had the Articles of Confederation around. Such as raise taxes and have natural rights.

The Articles of Confederation allowed congress to do what three things?

The Articles of Confederation outline the following things: 1) Laws - Congress can write laws. 2) War - Congress can declare war. 3) Post offices - Congress has control of the postal service.

What caused inflation under the articles of confederation?

Many things but ultimately Shay's Rebellion pushed Congress into having the Constitutional Convention.

Who was the author of the Articles of Confederation?

During the Revolutionary War, the Americansrealized that they needed to unite to win the war against Britain. So after they decided many things about what they wanted the government to be like, they reached a final plan called the Articles of Confederation.

Under the Articles for what 3 things was Congress responsible?

Under the Articles of Confederation, it was the responsibility of Congress to take care of foreign affairs, and make any proclamations of war or peace. It was also the job of Congress to make sure the army and navy were well maintained.

What were three things accomplished by the articles of confederation?

hi is answer

What were some bad things the articles of confederation had?

- Had a few powers - Each state had one vote in congress - could not coin money - Could not enforce laws

Was Poor Richard's Almanack apart of the Articles of Confederation?

Poor Richard's Almanac and the Articles of Confederation are two completely separate, different things.

What were some things that the articles of confederation could and could not do?


What was the most important difference between the articles of confederation and the constitution?

The Articles of Confederation were made before the Constitution. The Articles of Confederation was lacking in many things such as balance between states, taxes, and how to ratify amendments. The Constitution solved all of these problems.

What things could the national government do during the articles of confederation?

declair war

Three things the Articles did not allow Congress to do?

ice cream