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There are probably more than three ways The Bible is used. Here are some major ones.

1. As a 'lamp to our feet and a light to our path' (Psalm 119:105)in terms of the infallible instruction/guide book for Christian believers. As such it is an invaluable guide to all truth that is vitally important to know. It also helps believers know better the will and ways of Him who suffered such incredible pain for us.

2. As a book of information for those who wish to know (a) reliable historical information and (b) (more importantly) to know the way to the one and only true God.

3. As an opportunity (albeit mis-guided) for miso-theists to mock God and His word. This includes out of context quotations, ridicule of things they don't understand etc. This is more a mis-use than a use. Nevertheless, this is what they use it for. The Bible itself speaks specifically of these attempts and predicts them. Thus those who so use the Bible are themselves witnessing to its truthfulness, even if unwillingly.

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