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Q: What thymic cells produce timosin?
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What is a thymoma?

thymomas are the most common type of thymic cancer. They arise from thymic epithelial cells, which make up the covering of the thymus.

Does thymic selection destroy MHC molecules?

The thymus goes through a positive and negative selection for T cells. T cells will respond to MHC class 1, either ignore if self or activate to destroy if foreign.

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An organ near the base of the neck that produces cells that fight infection. It is at its largest at puberty, then declines in size and function during adult life-hormones are secreted from this

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What hormones are produced by thymus gland?

The hormones the thymus produces are:o TF - thymic factoro Thymosino THF - thymic humoral factoro Thymopoietin.These hormones stimulate the development and maturation of white blood cells which are called T cells.thymosin

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Plants do not have blood so they do not produce blood cells.

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The acinar cells of the pancreas produce digestive enzymes.

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they produce bacteria

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Keratinocytes or squamous cells produce keratin and Melanocytes produce melanin, pigment.