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Q: What time did people go to public baths in Rome?
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How much did it cost to go to a public bath house in rome?

The price of admittance to a Roman public bath was minimal, generally a quadrans, which was the lowest denomination of Roman coin. However most time the public baths were free as it was customary for emperors or other wealthy men to give the people free access to the baths for a year as part of a celebration of some sort. Now these were the public or imperial baths. There were many private baths that charged various rates.

Did people in the middle ages bathe in the winter?

Surprising as it might seem, "cleanliness is next to godliness" was a common idea in the middle ages, so people in towns and cities tended to bathe frequently. Physicians of the time connected bad smells with disease, clergy believed a clean body was an indicator of a good soul. People bathed in public baths in the towns and cities, and this was a bit problematical at the time, since it meant a certain amount of public nudity, which was not thought good. The public baths were equipped with wooded tubs or were in the ground. Hot springs provided hot water, where it was available. Where there were no springs, people could heat water and put it in the tub in winter, or they could bathe in the cold. Later, as the Renaissance set in, people had more access to perfume and clean clothes, and tended to clean only those parts of the body that showed, unless they got very dirty somehow.

How did ancient Rome heated baths?

The Roman baths were a cultural custom and their presence evolved over a period of time. It is not known when the baths were developed nor who "invented" them. When we read about the Roman baths, even the very early ones, they are already developed into the form (hot, warm, and cold rooms) with which we are familiar.

Romans defeated the Greeks in Latium?

No, there were no Greeks up in Latinum at the time Rome was emerging. The Greeks were down south around the heel and sole of the Italian peninsula's "boot" and on Sicily. The Romans conquered the Latinii who where the people in Latinum, the section of the country where Rome is located. They also had to deal with the Etruscans in and around Latinum.

Unlike other states of its time rome treated most of the peoples it conquered?

Rome treated the people it conquered pretty well, unless you disobeyed their rule. Insurrections were often dealt with by way of execution, notably by crucifixion.

Related questions

Where were the main baths in Ancient Rome?

Believe it or not, there were no main baths in ancient Rome. There were many private baths, private in the sense that they were owned by individuals and not the State. The wealthy also had personal baths in their homes. Marcus Agrippa was one of the first, if not the first to build a public bath. From his time onward, the public bath culture took hold. By the time of the emperor Nero there were 1,000 baths in Rome. Bigger and better seemed to be the keyword for baths. The baths of Caracalla held 1,600 people and the Baths of Diocletian held a whopping 3,000 people. So you could loosely say that the larger baths of Caracalla and Diocletian were the main baths, simply because of their size.

How much did it cost to go to a public bath house in rome?

The price of admittance to a Roman public bath was minimal, generally a quadrans, which was the lowest denomination of Roman coin. However most time the public baths were free as it was customary for emperors or other wealthy men to give the people free access to the baths for a year as part of a celebration of some sort. Now these were the public or imperial baths. There were many private baths that charged various rates.

Could anyone enter the baths in ancient rome whenever they wanted?

No. The public baths had definite hours as time was needed for cleaning and water changing and all the other miscellaneous things that needed doing. The women usually went to the baths in the morning and the men in the afternoon. The privately owned baths set their own hours.No. The public baths had definite hours as time was needed for cleaning and water changing and all the other miscellaneous things that needed doing. The women usually went to the baths in the morning and the men in the afternoon. The privately owned baths set their own hours.No. The public baths had definite hours as time was needed for cleaning and water changing and all the other miscellaneous things that needed doing. The women usually went to the baths in the morning and the men in the afternoon. The privately owned baths set their own hours.No. The public baths had definite hours as time was needed for cleaning and water changing and all the other miscellaneous things that needed doing. The women usually went to the baths in the morning and the men in the afternoon. The privately owned baths set their own hours.No. The public baths had definite hours as time was needed for cleaning and water changing and all the other miscellaneous things that needed doing. The women usually went to the baths in the morning and the men in the afternoon. The privately owned baths set their own hours.No. The public baths had definite hours as time was needed for cleaning and water changing and all the other miscellaneous things that needed doing. The women usually went to the baths in the morning and the men in the afternoon. The privately owned baths set their own hours.No. The public baths had definite hours as time was needed for cleaning and water changing and all the other miscellaneous things that needed doing. The women usually went to the baths in the morning and the men in the afternoon. The privately owned baths set their own hours.No. The public baths had definite hours as time was needed for cleaning and water changing and all the other miscellaneous things that needed doing. The women usually went to the baths in the morning and the men in the afternoon. The privately owned baths set their own hours.No. The public baths had definite hours as time was needed for cleaning and water changing and all the other miscellaneous things that needed doing. The women usually went to the baths in the morning and the men in the afternoon. The privately owned baths set their own hours.

Who paid for the baths to be built in ancient rome?

The cost of a Roman bathhouse itself was assumed by the person building he bath. Usually it was the emperor, such as the baths of Caracalla, but wealthy individuals could also build baths, such as Marcus Agrippa. The cost of using the facilities was always a nominal fee such as 1/2 of an As or no fee at all as many times emperors or owners gave the people free entrance for a length of time in order to celebrate something.

What did Rome create?

Ancient Rome, in its time, created the largest empire the world had known and kept it for the longest time. It created the strongest army the world had ever seen. It created the political model for western governments. It created innovations in architecture by use of its concrete. It created a welfare system. Roads, bridge, aqueducts and public baths were all part of the creations and culture of ancient Rome.

When the Romans ruled were the public happy about the Romans ruling?

In the beginning of Rome's rule, the public was very satisfied and happy with the form of rule. Towards the end of Rome's time, the leadership became very poor and the people were not happy.

What were some services in ancient Rome?

Ancient Rome offered its citizens public services. Usually any sizable city populated with Roman citizens offered many of the services as the city of Rome itself. I use the term "usually" with care because there are different situations involved and changes had to have occurred over the long span of time covering the Republic and Principate. The Roman treasury paid for most of the services, however, at times private and extremely wealthy citizens also provided funds. Most famously known were the public baths which ranged from basic to elaborate. Wealthy Romans often had indoor plumbing and their own private baths and swimming pools, but could they too often frequented the more expensive public baths. The public baths also served as informal meeting places and were also meant for recreation. The public services also included chariot races and gladiator fights. These also were found in major cities and of course in Rome. Public feasts were sponsored by the Government, and always in Rome when the city celebrated a "triumph" to victorious generals returning to Rome after their conquests. Amphitheaters were also used for the arts such as plays. Public libraries were often located in Rome and larger cities in the provinces. The public was also eligible for welfare in the form of corn and wheat.

What kind of buildings were built in the city of Rome?

Colosseum was one building which was an entertainment center. A very elaborate and elegant entertainment center. The other buildings were close to equal in elegance as Rome, from the time of Augustus to roughly the 400's, was considered the showplace of the empire. The temples, porticoes, baths and public parks were the pride of the wealthy families who built them and the pride of the empire.

What were the temples in Rome made of?

with lime stone

How many people lived in Rome when the Coliseum was built?

the number of people who lived in rome at the time 1000000

Do more people take showers over baths?

most guys would prefer shower, just because it's quick and easy. most girls would take bubble baths if they have time. depends...showers to get clean....and baths to relax

Why do people belong to a particular political party?

Since the time of ancient Rome, people have divided into political parties. The reason that people do so is because of strong differences in opinion in regards to public policy and the role of government.