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Jewish services in synagogues are held three times per day; in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Morning services may begin anytime between dawn and around 8 a.m., depending on the needs of the congregation. Some synagogues have more than one morning service for people with different schedule-needs. Weekday morning prayer lasts about 45 to 60 minutes. Sabbath morning service will commonly begin at 7:30 a.m. or later. This prayer is for about 2-3 hours.

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6y ago

Synagogue services are held three times a day, every day of the year.Morning services may begin anytime between dawn and around 8 a.m., depending on the needs of the congregation. Some synagogues have more than one morning service for people with different schedule-needs. Weekday morning prayer lasts about 45 to 60 minutes.

Sabbath morning service will commonly begin at 7:30 a.m. or later. This prayer is for about 2-3 hours.

Afternoon services and the evening service are often consecutive, beginning around 15-30 minutes before sunset. But some groups hold an early afternoon service, with around 1:00 p.m. being common. The afternoon and evening prayer last about 15-20 minutes each.

See also the Related Links.

Link: Prayer and the synagogue

Link: When are the Jewish festivals

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Q: What time do Jews go to synagogue in the morning?
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What time do Jews go to the synagogue?

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Do Jews go to a synagogue?

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To worship the Jews go to the synagogue.

When do Jews go to pray?

They pray in the synagogue (a.k.a. Shul).

Where do people go to worship?

Jews go to a synagogue. But they can also pray anywhere.

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Muslims go for worship (praying) to mosque or any clean place. Jews go to synagogue.

Why do Jews worship at their synagogues so much?

How much a Jew worships in a synagogue varies greatly, and is not dictated by religion. Traditional Jews pray 3 times a day, but not necessarily in a synagogue. Jews go to a synagogue to assemble with other Jews and to preserve the Jewish community, in addition to prayer and study.

How many times a week do Jews visit the synagogue?

Two answers. Number of services: There are 3 services each day (morning, afternoon, and evening) with additional services following, without interruption, the morning service on Shabat and holidays. Going to synagogue: Observant Jews will try to go to synagogue twice-a-day every day (14 times-a-week); the evening service follows the afternoon service (usually after a brief instructional period) so the person does not leave the synagogue. Put another way, once in the morning and once in the afternoon/evening.

Where do Jews go after they leave the synagogue?

That depends on the day of the week and the time of day when they leave. A few common destinations upon leaving the synagogue include work, school, home, or the home of friends or relatives.

Do Jews go to church during Yom Kippur?

Jews don't have churches - they have synagogues, and yes, they go to synagogue during Yom Kippur.