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Q: What time do mountain lions go to sleep?
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Do mountain lions go after dogs?

Yes they will, especially if the dog is much smaller that themselves. Mountain Lions have a high prey drive, they have to in order to survive and anything smaller or weaker is prey.

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they have to go to sleep

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Go to sleep or sleep time...... Go moemoe= go to bed\go to sleep

Why does a giraffe sleep with its head up?

Because when the giraffe is sleeping, you know how there are lions around?, well lions go for the giraffes and so when they sleep and a lion comes close to them and wakes them up by the sound of them jumping and stuff, they can get up easier.

When do lions go to sleep and when do they wake up?

lions sleep with theirpride in the den ,they never sleep outside the pridebecause if the do ... then the alfa malewill think that the lion has betrayedthe pride and the lions will force the other lion away!No but something that ___s

When will you go to sleep?

at any time you want to. The last time you get to go to sleep is when ya die

What time does miley sleep?

she go to sleep at 11:00

What time should you go to sleep?

you should go to sleep at 9:00 because 10 is too late and 8 is too early.

Why can't some people go to sleep until a long time after they go to bed?

Sleep problems

What is the lateist time you go to sleep?

Some times when i am not tired i go to sleep at 3:00 in the mornings

Can people live in Africa where lions live?

I dont think so lions are natural carnivores you may be able to train one but when you go to sleep you never know what can happen.

What time should a teen go to sleep?

A teenager needs 8 1/2 to 9 hours sleep a night to be able to function at their peak so they should go to sleep at a time that allows them to get that much sleep.