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If you mean Saint Nicholas as in Santa Claus, then it would be the same as in America.

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What is Saint Nicholas' last name?

Saint Nicholas is often referred to as Saint Nicholas of Myra or Nicholas of Bari.

Where does Saint Nicholas deliver presents?

Saint Nicholas died about 1700 years ago and stopped delivering presents at that time.

What time period did Saint Nicholas live?

St. Nicholas of Myra lived in the 4th and 5th centuries

What date was Saint Nicholas declared a saint?

Nicholas of Myra was declared a saint by the ealry Christians as the official canonization process did not exist at the time. It probably occurred not long after his death in about the year 346 AD.

Was Saint Nicholas alive at the time of Christ or in the first century after Christ's death?

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra, lived during the reign of Saint Constantine the Great, and reposed (died) in 330.

What are the traditions for Christmas that came from the time of St. Nicholas?

Have a look at this link Saint Nicholas: Origin of Santa and see if it can help answer your question.

Is saint nicholas a saint?

St. Nicholas of Myra was a very holy and pious bishop who was imprisioned for our Lord at one time. He spent much of his life devoted to helping the poor and others in need.

Where did the name Santa Claus originate from?

Saint Nicholas, a saint of the Roman Catholic Church, is the original Santa Clause. He lived in Greece a long time ago and is the patron saint of children. That's why Santa is sometimes known as Saint Nick. "Santa Claus" is the Dutch version of Saint Nicholas.

What is the origin of Saint Nicholas?

According to several webpages, the origin of St. Nicholas was the area that is now Turkey. It was under Greek control at the time.

what saint is the character Santa Claus based on?

Saint Nicholas of Myra."Santa" was actually called Saint Nicholas. Santa is just his nickname.Saint Nicholas was a Bishop of an Ancient Greek town called Myra, which is now part of modern-day Turkey.Every year around Christmas time, Saint Nicholas would take food and treats to orphaned and poor children in his city. This is where the tradition of Santa originated from.He died in the year 343.

Why did Saint Nicholas wear red?

St. Nicholas was a bishop and red was the color of bishops at the time. Today, red is the color of cardinals and violet the color of bishops.

Was Saint Nicholas born in a hospital?

Hospitals really did not exist at the time. He would have been born at home.