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They tend to eat after a light work out or when they become hungry, say about breakfast time, lunch or dinner time. Scientific research has shown that sand sharks like nothing more than a nice donner kebab when they leave the pub; say about 02:55. They cannot abide chilli sauce though science has proven!

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12y ago

Sharks usually hunt early in the morning. This is when surfers and swimmers have to be careful... because they come near the shallow waters. But some shark species such as the tiger shark hunt at night.

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11y ago

Dinner time

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Q: What time of the day do sharks usually hunt?
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When do bull sharks find food in the day or night?

Bullsharks will eat all day only if their is lots of fish and territorial things it might be hunting down animals all day

Do hammerhead sharks hunt alone?

Hammerhead sharks gather in large shoals during the day, then hunt alone at night. so i would say no

How many people are swimming in the ocean at any given time?

How many people are swimming in the ocean depends on several factors. It depends on the time of year, location, and what time of the day or night it is. Sharks typically hunt aggressively at night, but some people believe that sharks hunt the most aggressively at sunset and sunrise.

When do great white sharks travel at day or night?

Both. Sharks never stop swimming. They hunt mainly by smell and vibration, so night or day makes no difference.

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The time for a gecko to hunt is usually during the night , the reason for this is because they tend to be more nocturnal , there for they sleep mostly during the day and hunt during the night ( : Amy

Do great white sharks hunt at night?

Sharks can be diurnal or nocturnal. Some are both however most are one or the other. Also sharks don't actually go out and attack in the sense they are murdering something, they eat food like all animals do and because some humans have interfered (usually unintentionally) sharks have been thought of as killers. I'm pretty sure we have killed a lot more animals for food than sharks have killed us. Nevertheless we need to eat other aniamls to survive so we aren't doing anything wrong.

What time does the great white shark hunt at?

In the Mexico coast waters, sharks are most active at dusk and dawn. They also are most active when it is warmer out temperature wise.

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Snow leopards hunt in the day and the night but they usually hunt at night because that is when their prey are out.

Does a dolphin hunt during day or night?

dolphins hunt during the day time while fishes are out!

What are the hammerhead shark's defenses?

Hammerhead sharks have rows of teeth. During the day they swim in schools but they hunt alone at night.

What do sharks do beside attacking and eating?

Sharks love to swim. So other than eating and hunting fish, they swim. If they dont do that than they just hunt and eat all day.

When do spotted hyena's hunt?

They hunt in the early morning and in the evening. Usually only 2times a day.