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Exactly where it is now, Stonehenge has not been moved. But for the idea behind its desgn see the link.

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Q: What time period did Stonehenge originate?
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When did the bubonic plague originate?

during the medieval period of time

How long did it take to build Stonehenge?

To build the whole of Stonehenge will obviously depend on how many people there was for the task. What we suggested was that, given a great concentration of effort, is the sarsen structures, the biggest bits of Stonehenge, could have been built within a period of three years. We suspect that probably it took longer. There is the opinion that Stonehenge was constructed in sections over a period of time that span as many as 300 to 500 years.

What time period did katanas originate?

The katana's originated in the 15th century.

Was the Stonehenge constructed before or after the Paleolithic Period?

After- it is a Neolithic monument

Who had the idea of stonehenge?

The building of Stonehenge began several thousand years ago and as no written records of this time exist it is doubtful if anyone will ever discover for certain exactly how or why it was built let alone who had the initial idea. Stonehenge was built over a period of about 1500 years, and altered considerably during that time, so there were several 'ideas' at various times.

How many stones at Stonehenge originally?

There are 92 stones at Stonehenge at the present time

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It originated in Greece, around the time period of 1138 and 1204 AD

Where do carnvivals originate from?

I can tell you when but not where(cuz i don't know). They originated from the medieval time period.

Stonehenge is one of the only surviving pieces of architecture from the prehistoric period Although there is no way to determine the definite purpose of Stonehenge what is thought to be the purpose?

For information about the building of Stonehenge and its possible purpose see the related link below.

Who found the Stonehenge first?

Stonehenge is a human structure. People did not find it, they built it. It is believed to have been the work of Neolithic tribes, in the period of two to three thousand BC.

What materials were used at Stonehenge?

The outcrop sedimentary rocks at Stonehenge are the Late Cretaceous, Santonian Age, calcium carbonates. The outcrop sedimentary rocks comprise the first construction material used by the Stonehenge builders. This material is approximately 85 million years old. These rocks are locally called the Seaford Chalk Formation (Stonehenge White Chalk). The oldest limestone sedimentary rocks at Stonehenge are the Mississippian Period (Early Carboniferous), Arundian Age, calcium carbonates. The Mississippian Period limestone sedimentary rocks comprise the first (1st) foreign construction material used by the Stonehenge builders. This material is approximately 340 million years old. These rocks are locally called the Birnbeck Limestone Formation (Stonehenge Whitestones). The volcanic rocks (oldest geologically) at Stonehenge are the Ordovician Period intrusive igneous diabases (dolerites), and extrusive igneous felsites (rhyolites) and tuffs (basic). The Ordovician Period igneous rocks comprise the second (2nd) foreign construction material used by the Stonehenge builders. This material is approximately 470 million years old. These rocks are locally called the Ordovician Volcanics (Stonehenge Bluestones). The oldest sandstone sedimentary rocks at Stonehenge are the Silurian and Devonian Period micaceous sandstones. The Silurian and Devonian Period sedimentary sandstone rocks comprise the third (3rd) foreign construction material used by the Stonehenge builders. This material is approximately 417 million years old. These rocks are locally called the Old Red Sandstone Formation (Stonehenge Coshestons). The youngest sandstone sedimentary rocks at Stonehenge are the Oligocene and Miocene Period silicates. The Oligocene and Miocene Period sandstone sedimentary rocks comprise the fourth (4th) foreign construction material used by the Stonehenge builders. This material is approximately 24 million years old. These rocks are locally called the Reading Formation (Stonehenge Sarsens).

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Short-period comets originate from the Kuiper Belt.