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the dark age
dark ages
The dark ages
The Dark Ages

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During the Dark Ages.

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Q: What time periods was characterized by a low level of learning and culture in Europe?
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Which period was characterized by a low level of learning and culture in Europe?

dark ages

Which of these time periods was characterized by a low of learning and culture in Europe?

During the Dark Ages.

Which time of period was characterized by a low level of learning and culture in Europe?

Well some say the middle ages, but its a very rude generalization, others think since the 20th century (mostly because of its brutality).

What term refers to the period of time when there was a renewed interest in culture and learning in West Europe?

The period of time when there was a renewed interest in culture and learning in West Europe is called the European Renaissance. The word is French meaning rebirth.

What was medieval life in Europe was characterized by?

Medieval life in Europe was characterized by?

What were the middle ages known as when learning and culture nearly vanished throughout Europe?

the dark ages

What is the literal meaning of renaissance?

The literal meaning of renaissance is "rebirth" or "reawakening." It refers to the period in European history from the 14th to 17th centuries characterized by a renewed interest in art, culture, and learning after the Middle Ages.

Scandinavia What are Europe's five regions?

Europe can be divided into five main regions: Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Northern Europe, Southern Europe, and Central Europe. Each region is characterized by its own unique history, culture, and geography. Scandinavia, which consists of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, is a subregion within Northern Europe.

What are the examples of culture realm?

Examples of culture realms include the Western culture realm, which encompasses Europe and the Americas, the Islamic culture realm, which includes countries in the Middle East and North Africa, and the East Asian culture realm, covering countries like China, Japan, and South Korea. Each culture realm is characterized by shared cultural practices, beliefs, and traditions that distinguish it from other regions.

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What were the features of the megalithic culture?

The megalithic culture is characterized by the construction of monumental stone structures like dolmens, menhirs, and stone circles. These structures were often used for burial practices, religious ceremonies, or as landmarks. The megalithic culture is found across different regions of the world, including Europe, Asia, and Africa, and it is believed to have emerged during the Neolithic period.