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about 7:30 am or 8:00 am

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Q: What time should a ten year old get up in the morning?
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When should a fifteen year old go to bed?

When their parents tell them to. 11 is a respectible time. But i think that it should be up to them, AS LONG AS THEEY CAN GET THEMSLEVES UP IN THE MORNING.

What time should a 9 year old go to asleep on a Friday?

what time does his guardian want him to go to bed? does he have anything to do on sat morning why does he want to stay up?

What time should a twelve year old go to bed in the summer time?

A twelve-year-old needs at least 8 to 9 hours of sleep in order to stay healthy and well rested. The exact time that your child goes to bed should depend on the time they need to get up the next morning, but should definitely be before midnight.

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It depends on what time you have to get up in the morning; but you should try for 8 hours of sleep at night. b4 theyre kids LOL

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8:30 to 9:00 so they can wake up easily wake up in the morning.

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you should probably weigh between 100-120 in the morning if you do physical activity.

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A 13 year old should get plenty of exercise! But should hang with friends and go on Skype

Can The Hospital Give An 18 year Old The morning after pill?

The hospital can give a 18 year old the morning after pill. At the age of 18 you are considered an adult.

What time should a 25 year old go to bed?

When ever . You should get 8 hours of sleep if possible though

What time should a 11 year old go to sleep?

A 11 year child should sleep at 9 A.M.

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I think that a normal bed time for an 11 year old is 9:30 or 10:00

should a 12-year-old be allowed to date a 14-year-old?

as long as you know who they are and have known them for a long time, then yes it should be allowed. but no sexual interactions.