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i belive they should be woke up at 7:15 so that way they have time to get ready for school but you also have to keep then on a schedule

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Q: What time should an 11 year old wake up if they go to bed at 11?
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What time should a 8 year old go to bed at?

8:30 to 9:00 so they can wake up easily wake up in the morning.

What time should 12 year olds get out of bed?

That is based on how much you need to sleep and how late you went to bed, but over the weekends id say 11 in the morn.

If you wake 615am what time should you sleep?

Your tamagotchi will go to sleep when its ready,so it can get a good nights rest! . But if you perfer to wake it up at 6:15 am ,you should get it to bed a little early :-)

What time must one wake from bed?

It depends on what time you have on your device!

Should you wake up a 10 year old who fell asleep before their bedtime?

That depends. Is there a reason you need to wake him/her up? Is it bedtime? If so, then you could wake him/her up to go to the bed, but it isn't really necessary.

What are other ways to improve time and motion in making-up bed?

You should wake up early and always alert.

What time should kids wake up if they go to bed at nine o clock at night?

a 9 year old should go to bed about 8:30 - 9:00 maybe put him/her to bed at 8:30 and read for 30m then go to bed at 9:00

How can you make your kids go to bed on time?

Give them consequences for not going to bed on time, if in elementary school. If they are in middle school or high school leave them to go to bed whenever they want. Then in the morning, if they expect you to wake them up, don't wake them. This will teach them to go to bed early and so they can wake up early.

What time does a doctor have to wake up at?

He never goes to bed.

What is the best bed time for an 11 year old?

I think that a normal bed time for an 11 year old is 9:30 or 10:00

What is a good time for a 10 year olds bedtime?

im 12 and i go to bed whenever i want. which is usually 10 and i wake up at 6:40ish. so it really depends when you wake up.

Time tamagotchis wake up with ages?

They all wake up at 7am and go to bed 11pm or earlier