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Q: What tissue layer is damaged in a first degree burn?
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* A partial thickness burn (second degree) affects both the outer layer of skin and the layer that lies underneath it (the dermis). The skin may have large blisters and the tissue is deep red, wet, and shiny. These burns are very painful.

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I'm assuming this question is referring to tissues. When bone tissue is damaged, a hematoma forms deep to the periosteum layer. Collagen fibers are now present in the fibrocartilaginous callus formation outside the damaged bone tissue.

What layer of skin do second degree burns effect?

third degree burns affect the dermis layer of skin.. 3 layers, epidermis, subcutaneous layer and dermis. dermis is the deepest. third degree burns are serious burns affecting quite a depth of superficial skin tissue.

What indicates the burn is superficial?

A partial thickness burn is a type of burn. It is usually considered 1st or 2nd degree and is not severe.

What is worse second or third degree burns?

A 1st degree burn affects the outer layer of the skin. The 2nd degree burn affects the outer layer of the skin and the layer just beneath it. A 3rd degree burn involves all the layers of the skin tissue's beneath them.

First layer of tissue in small intestine?

Columnar epithelial cells.

Is theouter layer of the skin a tissue?

the epidermis is the outer layer it is a tissue

What is damaged when you cut your finger or get a severe sun burn?

It depends on the depth of the cut and the burn. If it bleeds, then you have damaged your dermis layer of your skin. The same is true for sunburn. Most sunburns are only a first degree burn that affects the epidermis. But a severe sunburn that is second, or even third degree can also cause damage to the dermal layer. THE INTEGUMENTARY (SKIN)

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The ozone layer is damaged by the CFC's and the halogens. There halogens affect the ozone by reacting with it.

Why is the ozone layer damaged from below?

The ozone layer is damaged from below. It is because of the PSC's that are catalysts for depletion.

What layer of the skin OS affected by a first-degree burn?

The epidermis

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