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i think its the trachea but I'm only a 13 year old girl so what do i know. i guess i will see if I'm right tomorrow. ill get back with the answer

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13y ago

The epiglottis closes over your trachea to keep whatever you're swallowing from going into your lungs.

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Q: What tissue prevents food and liquids from entering the respiratory tract?
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What is the leaf like structure which prevents the entry of food into the respiratory passages?

The epiglottis is the structure that prevents the entry of food into the respiratory system. It is made of connective tissue.

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The epiglottis sort of hangs down in the back of the throat and it helps prevent food from entering the trachea when we eat.

The flap of tissue that closes over the windpipe and prevents food or water from entering the?

it is called the epiglottis.. i think that answers your question :P

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