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Q: What to consider after your medicine career?
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A license to practice medicine would be an example of which of these?

A license to practice medicine would be an example of a career qualification. This is an indication that you have been certified to practice medicine as a career.

Which would benefit a career in medicine better psychology or sociology?

psychology because it allows you to communicate with people better because you consider why people act differently and do different things.

Is it bad to only consider money when choosing a career?

Yes , it is bad to only consider money when choosing a career.

What skills would be helpful for a career in medicine?

B pharmacy is the best in medicine career, further more this site could help you

Did Naturopathy Courses is good choice to start a career in natural medicine?

Yes, the Naturopathy courses will provide you with the right platform as far as career in natural medicine is concerned.

What career in medicine takes the shortest time?


What is the best way to start a career in medicine?

Go to school.

What are the possible career in science?

chemistry entomology medicine specilist

what is holistic medicine degree do?

A career in Natural Medicine offers a holistic approach to disease prevention and overall wellness. Entering a career in Natural Medicine takes a long-term commitment to your education and to the purposeful work you must do post-graduation to build your practice. The University of Natural Medicine (UNM) provides a rigorous curriculum aimed to prepare you to achieve your career goals and contribute to the expanding world of integrative, complimentary and natural medicine.

Why is math needed for a career in medicine?

math is needed in medicine because when you become a doctor who will have to know how much medicine you will have to inject into a person if they are really sick.

What type of computer courses are recommended for a career in medicine?

"If one is pursuing a career in medicine, one should focus on sciences such as chemistry, biology, and physics, and not computer sciences, unless the pursuit is for a career in the maintenance side of things, such as becoming a lab technician."