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Q: What to do for an ingrown dewclaw?
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What do you do about a torn dew claw on your dog?

Dewclaws are the "fifth finger" on the dog's front legs. Since dogs essentially walk on their toes, the dewclaw - the dogs thumb - usually dangles uselessly several inches above the ground. The dewclaw can catch on brush, logs, rocks, or other trail obstructions the dog has to navigate over, under, or around. A torn dewclaw can bleed a lot, but generally it isn't a serious injury. The prescribed treatment is to stop the bleeding through direct pressure. Next, wrap gauze around the dewclaw and leg, then wrap tape around it to hold the dewclaw firmly to the leg. Don't wrap too tightly, however, or you'll constrict blood flow into the lower leg.

Is ingrown a action verb?

No, ingrown is not an action verb. It is an adjective- as in ingrown toenail. Ingrown describes what type/kind of toenail malady. It can also be used as a noun as well. Refer to webster's online dictionary. This will help more.

Will teabags help ingrown hair?

Some people think that teabags do help with ingrown hairs. Some people do not think that teabags help with a ingrown hair.

What solutions are available for ingrown hair removal?

There are specific hair removal products, like Olay Hair Removal, that can help with removing ingrown hairs. One can also use acne medication on the ingrown hair area to help with ingrown hair removal.

Does a dogs dewclaw help it run in heavy snow?

no it cant get a good grip

What is a small toe high on the leg that does not normally reach the ground?


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