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Q: What to do if he sends blank messages back?
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Sends messages to muscles?

the organ

What systems sends mesages to the brain?

your nervous system sends messages to your brain

What sends messages to the nervous system?

The brain.

What tissue sends messages from brain to body?

Nerve cells called neurons sends messages from brain to body along fibers called axons.

How does the endocrine system affect the excretory system?

It delivers messages from the nervous system to the excretory system, APE

Why do men blank your messages?

Cause they are sick of you

What receives messages from other neurons and sends messages to other neurons?

messenger neurons

What sends messages from your bran and spine to your muscles?


What type of cell sends and receives messages?


How does a cellphone sends messages through the air?


What sends messages to target cells?

Service network

Which system sends messages to organs and tissues?
