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Ok this is what you do. Wash your hands really good. Then put on some gloves and remove the dead hamster. Put it in a bag and throw it away. You do this so the mother hamster doesn't smell your scent because if you touch another baby with your hand she will eat her babies. Hopes this helps.

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Q: What to do if one of the hamster babies dies after 3 weeks?
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What if your hamster dies?

Then get a new one.

Can you put two females teddy bear hamster together?

You can if they are babies, but if they are adults, then the answer is no.They will fight until one eventually dies. Happens to males too.

Will a female hamster stay vicious after the babies are old enough to leave their mother at 5 weeks old?

Usually they do, though you have to be carefull around the mother until the babies are about one month old.

Can a hampser have babies under the age of one month?

A Hamster usually reaches maturity by the age of four weeks. Since the gestation period for the pups is only 18 days it is possible for a hamster to give birth at about the age of one and one half months.

Your hamster is killing her babies one a day?

My mama hamster used to so I separated the babies and the mama so then I did the feeding and the caring for ( if you know how to then you can separate the mama and the babies if not there are various websites to look for some hamster baby care)

How long should you wait to hold a baby hamster?

Raising Hamster BabiesDo not disturb the litter for at least 14 days. If the nest is disturbed the mother may kill the babies and eat them. If one of the babies gets away from the others, don't worry, the mother will retrieve it. The cage should be cleaned two weeks after birth and the babies should be separated from the mother at 28 days. Also be sure to to separate the Mother and babies from the daddy hamster. The daddy hamster will harm the babies and the mom always needs to be with her babies.{

How many babies can a teddybear hamster have at one time?

From 2 to 8 babies have been known to be born in one litter.

How many hamster babies can your hamster have?

Most hamsters have 5-7 babies. Last year my 1 year old hamster had 18 babies, They can have up to 24 babies They can have about 2-10 babies maybe even 1. About 5 my hamster and my friends hamster had five babies

How many babies are in one hamster litter?

At least 5 or more.

Can a male mouse be kept with a female hamster?

NO!!! they will fight intill one dies

You got 2 hamsters and on the 17 you saw it had a baby you looked again last night and you saw only one babyhow many babies can a hamster have?

1-2 hamster babies.

Will a hamster start to eat another hamster when one dies?

actually no. it will die Margret Johnson, bird/animal carer! pppppoo