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I am seriously trying to not be judgmental. If you are really concerned, give your doctor a call. Maybe they'd consider pumping your stomach. Or they might suggest you just wait to see if anything happens. After all, there isn't a guarantee that you will become ill.

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Q: What to do if you eat ham that was left out all night?
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Can you eat cooked ham left in oven after cookingit?

Was the ham cooked over night or left in the oven. If the ham was left in the oven with out any way of keeping it out of the temperature danger zone then it needs to be thrown away. It most likely has serious bacteria growth which can make you very ill.

Is it all right for a cured ham to sit out all night and be all right?

It will be safe to eat provided you are boiling or roasting it.

Can you eat smoked baked ham unrefrigerated over night?

Not a good idea. Unless the manufacturer's instructions say it can be left unrefrigerated, it should have been refrigerated.

If beans with smoked ham hocks were left on the stove to cook during the night but in the morning the pot was cold would the beans and ham hocks still be safe to cook the next day?

No, probably not. If the pan was properly covered and slowly cooled all night, you will have terrible forms of bacteria growing in and on it (a textbook worst case scenario). If it were left uncovered to cool on the stove all night, well, would you eat a smoked ham hock that was left out on the counter overnight? If it was uncovered, I might risk eating it. I doubt you would die from it, maybe just diarrhea, but I would not serve it to anyone but myself. If it were covered, however, I absolutely would not risk it.

Will ham and cheddar cheese spoil if left out over night?

Yes, absolutely.

What chickens like ham?

All breeds of Chickens will eat ham! they eat almost anything! REALLY???

What is a ham...?

A cured ham is a ham that is ready to eat.

Can hamsters eat ham?

yes they can eat ham but do not give them to much ham because they may get diarrhea

Is it safe to eat smoked turkey ham?

It depends on the environment it was left outside in.

What is a cured ham?

A cured ham is a ham that is ready to eat.

What do you all eat NOW on thanksgiving?

Ham,Turkey,and Sweet Potato